Neural Networks and Macro
Today I will briefly talk about an interesting connection between Machine Learning and Macro by a friend and colleague, Artem Kuriksha, who is working with Neural Networks and Macroeconomics. His idea is to make the policy decision function, namely that of investment, depend on a Neural Network. How does it work? In a usual Aiyagari …. Read More
About growth
Today I would like to change gears a little bit to talk about a fascinating topic: growth. There is one thing that I do not understand, which basically no one understands, so at least I don’t feel bad about it. On the one hand, it seems like some institutions have been more democratic, and that …. Read More
About leader formation
Hello all! It has been a while since the previous post. It has been busy days, fortunately! Today I want to tell you a little bit about leaders and authority. First of all, there is a subtle difference between auctoritas versus potestas. Auctoritas basically means that the person is actually obeyed and respected by the …. Read More
Hello! Today I want to talk about maximization, and I will explain why. As part of my research, I have been working with networks and with a relatively simple maximization problem, in order to study how information flows across agents, namely, how can high-level information agents affect low-level information agents, as well as if there …. Read More
Machine Learning, taxes and labs
Hello! Today I will tell you about a cool paper I came across this week. It is written by Zheng and Trott, et al. (2020) and is basically about how machine learning could offer solutions for economic problems. In particular, the authors claim that they can strike a better balance between efficiency and equality with …. Read More
On Continuous time
Hello! This week I want to write about Stochastic Calculus. Why? Because it is interesting and useful for economic models. What I want to do is a brief introduction for those who know nothing about it, but are eager to learn, as well as point you towards relevant literature which might help. To begin with, …. Read More
On hiking and Networks
“Hello” again! I have been learning a lot about networks lately. Jackson seems to be the guy when it comes to Networks and Economics. Let me share with you a bit of what I have been working on and learning about. So, my general idea is that interactions between people actually matter for our decision …. Read More
2nd Blog, about rate of pressures
Ok guys, welcome to my second blog. This one will be brief, I promise. This week I learned about statistical mechanics. The homework was about finding the ratio of pressures when the heat is added to the system. I am still struggling to understand how such models evolved into the modern financial continuous time models, …. Read More